Coconut and Passionfruit Protein Pancakes

Coconut and Passionfruit Protein Pancakes

  • Clock Icon Prep 5 mins Cooking 3 mins
  • Dinner Icon Makes 3 pancakes

These Coconut and Passionfruit Protein Pancakes are super quick and easy to make! Give them a go with your kids for an extra boost of protein.



  • ½ cup Protein Pancake Mix
  • ½ cup coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon desiccated coconut
  • 1-2 fresh passionfruit
  • 1-2 tablespoon toasted shredded or flaked coconut, to serve
  • to serve coconut or Greek style yoghurt



Pre-heat a lightly greased non-stick frying pan to medium heat.


In a mixing bowl stir the Pancake Mix, coconut water and desiccated coconut with a whisk until the batter is combined with no lumps.


Spoon the batter into the frying pan and form a round shape to desired size.


Cook on low-medium heat for 90 seconds until bubbles form on top or until golden brown on one side. Flip and continue to cook for 90 seconds until golden brown.


Serve with yoghurt, and top with passionfruit pulp from at least one passionfruit and a sprinkling of the toasted coconut.

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