Traditional Wholemeal Sandwich loaf

Traditional Wholemeal Sandwich loaf

  • Clock Icon Prep 2 hours 30 mins Cooking 30 mins
  • Dinner Icon Makes 6


  • 325g Wholemeal Plain Flour Mix
  • 150g white bread flour
  • 300mL warm water
  • 7g dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup seeds of choice to top - oats, poppy seeds and sesame seeds are great



Combine the wholemeal flour and white bread flour, yeast and sugar in a large bowl. Then stir through the salt. Make a well in the centre and pour in the warm water, ensure is not hot as this will kill the yeast.


Combine the water and flour to make a dough and then tip onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10mins until it forms a smooth ball. Place into an oiled bowl and then cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave to rise in a warm drought free area for 2 hours or until doubled in size.


Punch down the dough to release the air and then carefully shape into a loaf and place in an oiled loaf pan. Sprinkle over seed mix, if desired and then cover with tea towel again and allow to rise for 30mins or until doubled in size. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200C.


Spray loaf lightly with water and bake in the oven for 30min until golden and brown.

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